2021-22 LMLL - Forfeit of Cancelled Games, News (Lambton-Middlesex Local League)

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Dec 09, 2021 | Rob Householder | 1022 views
2021-22 LMLL - Forfeit of Cancelled Games
Dear LMLL Membership and Families,   Your Lambton Middlesex Local League Representatives have been working diligently, carefully navigating the ever-changing landscape related to the global pandemic.  Our overarching goal has always been; to provide a safe, fun, respectful, inclusive environment for our players, teams and respective Associations.   In spite of the many challenges, limitations, interruptions and changes, we remain steadfastly committed to our original mission vision and values.

As always, parents/caregivers reserve the right to choose whether their player participates in programming; practice/games, home and or away.  Safety being paramount, we categorically rely upon parents to determine their own risk-tolerance and ultimately, make decisions around their player’s participation.  In previous years, in climate weather resulted in game cancellations/rescheduling.  In these instances, Coaches and Association Representatives worked cooperatively to problem solve.

More recently, COVID 19 has emerged as a pressing safety concern. Specifically, positive cases cropping up in various communities.  While we completely understand and appreciate everyone’s legitimate concern and vigilance, we implore each of you to demonstrate kindness, empathy and respect while interacting with others.

In response to some recent cancellation of games and avoidance of specific Centres, your Executive wishes to remind each of you:

·        If a team/Centre opts to cancel a pending game with another Centre due to concern for their safety after hearing of previous positive COVID case(s), the league will be applying the existing rule around a forfeited game.  The home Centre will be awarded a 3-0 win, resulting in 2 points being earned.

·        If a team finds themselves unable to ice a team because of insufficient players due to illness, the game shall wherever possible, be rescheduled within the established guidelines in LMLL rules. 

The stigma surrounding positive COVID cases is not only unfair, but unreasonable.  Every facility has stringent screening and vaccination policies, every Association has the best of intentions.  The benefits of our players participating in a healthy, physical activity are far reaching and closely connected to mental wellness. 

e are asking member of LMLL to lead by example.  Demonstrate inclusivity, respect, kindness and empathy and solidarity.   Let’s ensure we are leading by example by being role models.

We wish you a safe, healthy and happy holiday season and look forward to the second half of our exciting 2021-2022 season!

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